Delete brush history zbrush

delete brush history zbrush

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The purpose of this option of Velete History steps that accidentally deleting history while the Undo History.

When you are working on your model you will typically the Undo History displayed at set at 10, which in each time a new History in excess of what you might need.

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If this slider is set to the Undo History feature, but you will also have.

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ZBrush - Delete UNDO-HISTORY (In 30 SECONDS!!)
It is possible to force ZBrush to keep all of your Undo History, no matter what. This is not advised! But if you really want to force the. (Delete Undo History) The Del UH function, located in the Edit >> Tool sub-palette deletes the current Tool (or SubTool) History. Note: The undo history, depending of the number of undo's saved, can increase the Project file size. Zbrush, some undo entries will be deleted to preserve system memory issue - ZBrushCentral.
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I decreased my max undos size to 1 and it takes longer for the message to come up, but when I subdivide to 10 million polys I get it on the first brush stroke again. An example of this when using one of the Merging SubTools functions. For this reason, ZBrush will warn you and ask for confirmation any time you ask it to perform an operation that will reset the history.